Clean Energy SOLUTIONS
that save money from day one.Shift – delivering clean energy solutions based on leading-edge energy storage systems. Meeting climate action goals through electrification and unlocking the potential of new technologies through hybrid solutions.
Customized Clean Energy Solutions
Equivalent to 1560 tons of GHG emissions saved per year. emissions
Fixed Battery Systems
Swappable Battery
Electrification using the safest batteries with the longest life.
Safety has to be our top priority, the good news is the technology is in place. Designed by ship builders and sailors to operate in the harshest ocean climates safely and reliably. We keep your propellers turning.
Safest batteries in the industry. Full Stop.
We take the lives and wellbeing of the mariners, vessel passengers, port workers and others very seriously. We continue to set – and raise – the safety benchmark across the industry.

Established Innovators
Climate Solution Leaders
From the first battery powered OSV, to the first fully replaceable cell systems, and now the PwrSwäp ecosystem service, our team has been at the forefront of marine battery innovation.